Crypto Analysis Transaction Visualization
A forensic tool that tracks both incoming and outgoing transactions of an inspected wallet. Our Crypto Analysis Transaction Visualization (CATV) tool visually illustrates the flow of tokens and the types of wallets with which it interacts, helping find suspicious flow behavior such as tumbling or interaction with blacklisted wallets listed in the TRDB.

Agile investigations
By having access to a visual representation of the transactions, investigations concerning stolen assets or laundered funds can be significantly accelerated.
AML & CTF governance
For businesses that specifically deal with cryptocurrencies, using the CATV helps ensure that individuals and organizations do not inadvertently transact with cybercriminals. Organizations would also be able to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
Real-time access to threat data
Our forensic tool enables users to identify emerging threats in cryptocurrencies transactions and prevent further implications. Data and visualization can be exported for archiving and Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR).